Parenting isn’t an easy job, especially when you are dealing with a toddler. It is not possible to child-proof your house completely. Your child is always under the risk of injuries and thus requires continuous supervision.
If you are reading this then you too are probably worried about your small kid being home. However, we are here to ease your hassle. This article brings to you the topmost child safety concerns and their possible solutions as well. It can guide you about what to do in case of any inconvenience. Plus, it suggests how to minimize the risk of these accidents and mishaps. Without any delay, let’s begin.
Drowning has been estimated as the leading cause of accidental injuries or deaths of children, especially the ones under five. This is the age when children start to learn walking and are ignorant of any hazard in their way.
Most of the locations for such mishaps include swimming pools, bathtubs, and waterful-pails. The non-fatal drowning requires immediate hospital treatments or a doctor’s aid to avoid any consequent problem.
What can you do?
First of all, parents should fence their swimming pools so that their child doesn’t fall into it anyway. They are advised not to leave their child alone in the bathroom especially when the tubs or pails are full of water. They should actively supervise their kid and try to keep him/her at their arm’s reach. The tubs and pails should be kept empty when not in use. Last but not the least; be with your child when he goes around the poolside.
This is the second most popular child safety concern that most of the parents have. Children are unaware of any danger around them. They cannot judge what harm they could be doing to themselves. There are chances that they might catch fire unintentionally or burn themselves by contacting hot surfaces and liquids. It can be very painful and therefore parents should strictly monitor their kids in this regard.
What can you do?
Fire/smoke alarms are a must. They can detect even the smallest of such dangers and can be life-saving for sure. Secondly, parents should keep their children away from flames and hot surfaces/liquids. They should monitor if there is anything harmful around the house and keep it away from their children’s reach. Matchboxes, lighters, and flammable liquids should never be left open. Keep a fire blanket and dry extinguisher at your arms reach, but away from your toddler for sure. Try to install safety switches to avoid electrocution.
You must have seen your kid putting almost everything in his/her mouth. This is one children-way of checking stuff out. However, have you ever thought of him/her engulfing something poisonous? Well, you must be surprised to know that every day at least two kids are treated in hospitals because of poisoning. Children under three are at the greatest risk of such mishappenings. The most common causes of poisoning may be medicines, household products like drain cleaners, bleaches, paints, etc.
What can you do?
Keep all the harmful stuff like medicines and household products away from children. Don’t let anything left open anywhere in the house where your kid can access it. Try keeping such stuff in cupboards with child locks. Dispose of the unwanted and expired stuff regularly. Expired foods like jams, ketchup, etc. shall be discarded.
There are various other child safety concerns, making parenting a tough job. However, the best way to avoid any, I repeat any, misfortune is to keep a strong check on your child’s activities. Don’t leave them alone at any cost. If you are out for work, ask your partner to babysit your kids at home. You can also hire a full-time babysitter for the purpose. Remember, nothing is greater than the health and life and all that pain you’re taking for your children worth it.