HMS Core is a platform provided by Huawei to replace Google mobile services and run HMS on all the recently launched phones. Huawei mobile services allow Global developers to utilize Huawei mobile services as a framework for accessing variety of mobile services easily. Huawei has recently upgraded new features with fundamental capabilities in the latest update to improve its services and boost user’s experience. Various optimizations have been made to support location service and push notifications so as to cover GMS functions.
Huawei has invested heavily to strengthen its ecosystem and increase active users globally so it can challenge Google’s Android system. Huawei Developers provide support for developing, testing, monetizing, and promoting apps with technical expert guidance. With over 400 million HMS Core monthly active users, Huawei has tremendously improved its mobile service statistics. Huawei’s rapid growing pace allows more and more developers to join its ecosystem and promote HMS in all regions.
Additional Features
HMS Core is integrated with super powers to help global developers create powerful apps using the right tools. Its Crime sense and super hearing are only some examples to help you understand what these super powers are capable of. Huawei has focused on its artificial intelligence products to verify identity online and provide related services to users. Moreover, Huawei mobile services include multiple features GMS core does not have. The 3D stereo recognition and facial expression recognition are also exclusively developed by HMS. Huawei’s extended service has greatly reformed its product and increased number of active users. Huawei has expanded its map services and cloud space services to improve the latest version in comparison to the earlier version.
Huawei Cloud
Huawei’s operating ecosystem has great storage capacity as compared to Google’s Android space. It has been developed for Huawei’s users as an alternative to Google with more powerful features. Huawei has developed an ecosystem with improved storage to complement different apps. For instance, Huawei Map services take only minimal space when compared to GMS core. The mapping service also supports over 50 languages which is a plus for many populations. Huawei Cloud is a complete package with solid foundation to provide reliable storage services.
Real Time Security Scanning
Huawei mobile services aim to operate faster than GMS core operating system. It can also perform real time QR code scanning in extreme environments for security purposes. Global developers can utilize Huawei mobile services to further improve their apps as its operating system tends to grow more against its giant competitors. The scan kit built in app covers almost all QR codes safely and the user code is not saved according to Huawei. Users do not have to face any problems regarding barcode scanning functions as HMS functions are easy to use.