You may or may not be comfortable driving down the street with a car that needs repairs. Since the money for your vehicle repairs may be more than you can afford to pay at this time, you may be forced to delay these costs until you can save the money. Whatever the situation or circumstances, you need to know that some vehicle repairs could get you pulled over. Even though each state’s traffic laws may vary, here are 4 vehicle repairs that could get you pulled over.
1. Cracked Windshield
If you do not want a police officer to issue a ticket on a city road or highways, you need to make sure that your cracked windshield is repaired as soon as it is possible. While not all vehicle repairs will cause an officer to issue you a ticket, there are some car repairs that can get you pulled over right away. One of the most commonly known is a cracked window shield. In the case of a cracked windshield, police officers may issue a ticket as soon as they see your windshield is cracked. This is because a cracked windshield can obstruct your view. Therefore, this type of vehicle repair can be a hazard to both you and other drivers around you.
2. Turn Signals Do Not Work
Another part of your vehicle that can get you pulled over right away is a turning signal that no longer works. The turning signal is not a luxury but a necessity for driving on the road safely. Even though you may be tempted to using the old manual hand and arm signal that many people used years ago, this old technique is for emergency situations only. Therefore, if you do not want to be issued a traffic ticket from a police officer, these are repairs that you need to do right away. By addressing this problem early on, you can save the extra cost of paying for a traffic violation plus the vehicle repairs that need to be performed.
3. Broken Tail Light
Similar to the same problems that can occur with a turning signal, a broken tail light is also a vehicle repair problem that may cause you to be pulled over. Because the tail lights on your vehicle are designed to signal what you are about to do, these lights need to be working all of the time. For instance, these days, the red light on your tail light tells other drivers behind you that you are braking. Therefore, the tail light will prevent other drivers from hitting you in the back of your vehicle.
4. Loud Exhaust Systems
A loud exhaust system is another way that today’s drivers can rack up on traffic tickets. A loud exhaust system usually indicates that there is a defect in your vehicle that needs to be repaired. Therefore, when an officer hears these sounds, they may pull you over for a traffic violation. Even though this sound can simply be a nuisance to other drivers around you, this is not the only reason why many states make a loud exhaust system a traffic violation. For instance, here is a list of vehicle repair problems that could exist in your vehicle:
- Clogged Muffler
- Broken Hangers
- Increased engine noises and other related problems
- exhaust smoke that pollutes the environment
- Rust in the exhaust system
- A Faulty Oxygen Sensor that has begin to malfunction
- A leaky exhaust system.
Based on the state that you reside in, the level of sound parameters can vary so you need to know this information to avoid unnecessary problems. In some states, vehicles are also inspected to eliminate the dangerous problems that come from the smoke that vehicles emit. Therefore, if you want to avoid being pulled over, you need to make sure that this repair is diagnosed early so that the necessary car repairs can be performed by your mechanic.
If you are having problems with your vehicle and repairs need to be performed, you may want to take care of these repairs as soon as possible. Even though the laws in each state vary, there are some common vehicle repairs that are classified as traffic violations.