Aren’t you aware of your pet’s right CBD oil dose size? There are currently no approved standard dose procedures and many products contain varying levels of CBD. Therefore, it appears as a challenge to identify the right CBD dose amount for your pet dog or cat.
What is CBD used for?
CBD oil is used to treat epilepsy, depression, anxiety and back pain that occurs to our pet friends. It is a wonderful topic that we do not hear most often about because people do not see a pet dog or cat being hit by depression or anxiety. But, indeed, pets are also very sensitive and due to several changes, chances of depression or anxiety may occur in them. If you explore the website and attempt to find CBD dosage directions for your pets, you may have struggled through various changing measurements about giving your dog the correct dosage it needs. Several companies are instructing you to give full dropper every day while others are asking you to know how much they will need after every 6 to 8 hours. You can easily get confused! And it’s no wonder.
Tips for you:
- You should always start with a low dose.
- You should always notice your pet’s reactions.
- You can increase the dose gradually if needed.
What are the ways of giving CBD dosage to pets?
CBD is used in many ways, such as pet treats, oils, balms, and creams. Nevertheless, there is little research on the feasibility of each process. It was observed that CBD oil if orally administered in case of pet’s epilepsy was safer than a cream or gel capsule. Further study is however required before any results can be drawn.
Vet approved and endorsed dosing calculations!
Most importantly, we need to listen to our veterinary experts and use their best opinion until the FDA can carry out medical trials and conduct studies into CBD and other cannabinoids. Security and quality at Mile High Pawducts are incredibly vital to us and all our CBD essential oils are therefore fitted with graded droppers. You will see that ML (Milliliter) and not MG (Milligram) are mentioned on our droppers.
CBD Dosage Chart
Many pet owners who try to deal with problems of their pets such as anxiety, depression, arthritis, and occasional seizures will begin at a low dose. We advise all the pet owners who had a more extreme scenario to continue with the medium or high dose–please contact us for queries or explanation.
We suggest a low dose during the first 2 weeks and a step up to the level of efficiency required. Note that not all pets react the same way to CBD oil–some may need very small quantities, while others may need a bit more. The goal is to remain uniform.
The possibility of putting your cat or dog in a CBD is a perfect way to incorporate natural medicinal options into their everyday lives. When using CBD oil, we highly suggest seeking a veterinarian. Although the potential side effects of CBD are low, double monitoring is still best to make sure that the CBD oil does not interfere with any other medicine you’re providing to your pet already.
It can be rather difficult to choose the best CBD dosage for your dog. Second, the dosing instructions of each company will vary considerably because of the difference in the composition in the oils provided by each of them. Based on your condition, the dose may also vary. Higher doses are used for example, for severe health problems and fewer doses are used for mild anxiety. You take into account the weight of your pet and the ongoing health problems before fixing the dose.