Parenting – it can be blissful but it can also be stressful. We all know what it’s like to live through a toddler meltdown while trying to get supper on the table. We have a lot of moments, and adapting to our children’s life cycle is not always easy. In the following article, I will explain some ways that can help you relax and sleep better. You may want to try these techniques if you are stressed and need a quick fix.
1. Essential Oils
Essential oils are known to be mood-altering. You have to be educated about essential oils though in order to do them right. Lavender, for example, is calming. You should use this at night when you are ready to sleep. Sweet orange oil has a pleasant scent and can be used for meditation. When it comes to essential oils, you should select a scent you find pleasant. You should also be aware if it is stimulating, like mint, or calming. There are many diffusers for sale everywhere. If you want a more upscale diffuser, then you should try Sage or a store that specializes in just essential oils. Never put them directly on the skin without proper dilution into oil or you can give yourself skin burns.
2. Natural Supplements
Did you know that there exist natural relaxation supplements that helps promote relaxation and better sleep? Take for example, Valerian Root is known by many to cure insomnia and nervous tension caused by anxiety. Bentuangie powder, which some comes in chocolate flavor, also provides a natural way to instill a sense of calmness, relaxation, and a more chilled approach to life. Lastly, don’t forget about Tryptophan, an amino acid that acts like mood regulator by balancing your hormones, thereby lifting your mood, while protecting you against depression, anxiety and well, high stress levels. You can try any of these natural supplements to not just help you relax, but also give you a good night’s rest.
3. Find a Calming Space
You can make a space that is just your own. For example, some people have meditation rooms. You may not be able to have an entire room for yourself, but you can certainly carve out a little place in wherever you live. How you decorate it is up to you. A lot of people find that art is very calming. It can make them feel empowered too with a sense of ownership. Furniture as well can designate that this is your special place. You should do what makes you happy in this place. If you like to draw, then pull out your art kit. If you like to watch Netflix, find some time on your comfy couch to do this. Many parents benefit from having a space that they can get away from it all.
4. Music
Never underestimate the power of music. Even with your children, you can play your own music and have them dance or just sit around you while you listen. This works well if you have small children and they can just dance around and you can enjoy your music at the same time. Being a mother or father can mean a lot of supervision, but if you can share your music with your children, you will find they will follow suit and entertain themselves for a while while you kickback.
5. Play Dates
Playdates can be your saving grace when it comes to keeping children occupied. Children will need to socialize, and you can just have time off of them. It can be nice for an evening when you want a glass of wine. You can have the parent drop your child off when they are done playing. If you alternate, then you will find that the playdate is mutually serving the other family as well. Reciprocity is the key to keeping playdates up.
6. Naps
A lot of mothers or fathers will nap while their children nap. It’s actually something that they come to rely on to get their energy back. You don’t have to feel ashamed if you are more tired than other parents. If you have the luxury of staying home with your children, you also have the luxury of napping with them as well. For young children, you just have to sleep with the baby monitor close by. You should also set yourself a backup alarm so you can wake up with the kids.
7. Baths and Spa Time
Candles around a bath can be highly relaxing. A bath can be a luxurious way to unwind. It’s a definite plus when you can add in some wonderful products. Investing in your body washes can make bathing a treat. You can even throw in some bath bombs. If you’re wondering where to start, Lush is the place.
As a parent, you cannot live off of the expectations of others. You will have to find a routine and pleasures that work for you. Giving yourself that me-time can result in an immersive experience that leaves you refreshed.