May the Odds Be Ever in (Your Site’s) Favor

Why test when you can battle?

Man vs. Machine (Learning)

WaterlooIn the winner-take-all spirit of the Hunger Games (we’re still yawning from last night’s midnight showing) we met up with the team behind LinkBattle, a service that allows you to easily optimize your site.

It goes like this: say you’re deciding between two versions of a page on your site (the ol’ A/B test). Simply enter the URLs on LinkBattle, which then pits the two against each other and crowns a victor, based on the real time traffic behaviors. (At this point our imagination train has left the station and we’ve mentally dressed up little links in battle costumes and ordered them to square off, while the crowd looks on. Is that weird?)

A/B testing on your site is just the beginning; LinkBattle is built upon a deeper-in-the-stack technology that carries out similar machine learning tests on just about anything you want to test, from ad word usage to email subject lines. Sound like fun? Upon completing TechStars Cloud in a couple of weeks, they’ll return to NYC and build out their team. Their needs are likely to be technical sales and developers – get in touch to chat them up about either.

Now go forth (the world will indeed be watching).

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